Let's start using a brief text, half of a verse, 1Cor. 12:3b:
and no one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except by the Holy Spirit.
The context of 1Cor.12 is not difficult to find. Paul the apostle wants to bring some order and understanding to the Corinthian people regarding the purpose and function of spiritual gifts. The pagan past of some of the believers in Corinth led them to idolatrous worship and verbal outbursts with apparently no regard for truth. But worship led by God's Holy Spirit does not denigrate Jesus, but is rather based on truths about Him.
Next, let's consider the statement itself and the words that comprise it. (Take your time).
I find myself marvelling at what the Holy Spirit has done for me. If I have any authentic understanding of who Jesus is, it is illumination given, not acquired. I was part of that vast number of no ones until God, by His Spirit led me to Jesus' true identity. Also, I find myself drawn to the word except. Expressions like except, if not, had not, however are always showing up in Scripture between a condition that does me no good and my God who loves me and leads me. I am exceptional, not in a boastful way, but rather as a result of God's grace toward me.
I'm aware that much is implied in the expression Jesus is Lord, but I'm content to leave that for another time.
Marvelling has moved to prayerful worship and thanksgiving for God's grace at the basics. I can say Jesus is Lord!!! The Holy Spirit makes that possible. He has revealed the Christ to me and the reality that he is Lord makes clear my role as servant and follower. I will look to many other parts of who I am and consider that they wouldn't exist and be the blessings they are except by the Holy Spirit
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I love this partial verse, I come back to it all the time. Usually when I'm being particularly hard on myself. How do I explain? There are times especially after reading some Bible Studies or Listening to some theological lectures that I wonder if that's really me. You hear about the scriptures, You read about the sacrafices made and the love shown by Leaders of the faith and you wonder. Could I really do that? And if I couldn't, do I really believe. So I come back to this, No one can say "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy spirit. I can! and that means the Holy Spirit is there, and that means that I do believe. Just need some time to work it all out. It is a great encouragement to me. (does that make sense)