Monday, April 6, 2009

Distinctive People


Let's take a look today at John 17:17
Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.

Our verse is taken from a prayer that Jesus prayed on behalf of his disciples. This prayer comes at the end of their private Passover service that begins in John 13. The prayer itself makes up all of John 17.

Jesus is asking the Father to sanctify them. Sanctify means to set apart for a distinct purpose or an uncommon use. In religious contexts it means to make holy. But holiness is a set apart/uncommon state.

The means by which this sanctifying takes place is through what Jesus calls the truth. In John's Gospel alone Jesus says the truth makes people free, it demonstrates that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and that out of death comes new life. Jesus says that He is the Truth and refers to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth.

Then, in a very particular way. Jesus says that God's word is truth.

OK we have anchored this verse in its context. Now let's reverently consider the words and let the Holy Spirit lead us into a conversation with God about what He is saying to us in this regard. Again...Take your time.

This really speaks to the heart of a guy who loves to fit in (me). It was the earnest prayer of Jesus that as his follower I become different, set apart, distinctive. When I embrace the truth he reveals, the effect is to make evident that I have been changed in an extraordinary way. How powerful is God's truth! His truth alters in the in my in me. I'm challenged to examine how open I am to change when, for whatever reason, I open God's word.

Lord Jesus, let the answer to your prayer in John 17:17, be found in me; that I may be one of those distinctive people who by the truth of your words and the truth in your Word there is genuine evidence that I am your servant. Amen.

What insights, direction, leading, etc. did you receive as you practiced Lectio Divina using this passage? Share with us in the "comments" section.


  1. I am assuming that because God's word is Living and Active that the same verse may speak different details in the same theme to each person. As I think of being Sanctified by Truth. My mind wanders to Hebrews where the author tells us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus, also to the Gospels where we are told to seek first his Kingdom. The truth, His truth should be the thing that we focus our lives on. Too often though I find myself focusing on People. Gaining approval, looking for something that says they like what I'm doing. What I'm learning though, is that when you focus on gaining respect of people (even the best people) you miss the blessings of God. Putting your focus in the wrong place causes worry, fear and anger, when people don't treat you the way you think they should. Change that focus, let the Holy Spirit work in you as you are changed by Truth, and two things can happen. #1 The admiration and approval of people becomes less important because you know you are forgiven and Loved by God. #2 Because you are focused on the truth and being sanctified by that truth. Your life will reflect God's love in the world and you'll get what you were looking for and more, anyway.
    Hope that makes sense.

  2. Yeah, I am so excited to see your new blog!!! I look forward to being a frequent follower. What a cool way you have chosen to USE your blog, awesome concept Pastor Tim!!! I am going to post the link on my blog list for others to visit as cool!
