Friday, February 26, 2010

Lenten Series: Readings from the Liturgy of the Hours-Listen Up!

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Sometimes when God speaks to his people he can be very direct. That is certainly the case in the passage we will consider today. It is taken from the gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent.
"This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him." Luke 9: 35

Peter, John and James had accompanied Jesus to pray with him on a mountain. While there, Jesus takes on a glorious, heavenly appearance and Moses and Elijah appear with him. The fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets is speaking to the very representatives of the Law and the Prophets. This glorious gathering overwhelms the disciples, literally, and they are dumbstruck by the whole event. But in the midst of this glimpse into the heavenly realm, while their attention is grabbed by God like never before, they are told that Jesus is God's unique Son and they are to listen to him.

Let God now have your full attention for some time now and let these words that fell on the very ears of disciples of Jesus now fall on yours. Listen and respond to the Spirit of God as he points you to Christ and directs you to listen to him.

Surely, the most unique aspect of our faith is grace. We receive the love of God and his full pardon for all of our sins out of his compassionate heart and the imputation of his righteousness. But I catch the note of urgency of our obedience in this passage. Certainly "listen to him." implies more than suggestion. It is necessary to continually do what Jesus says so that we can effectively serve him and prevent the error of listening first to ourselves. Also, God makes no mention of them paying any particular regard to the transfigured appearance of his Son, the presence of Moses and Elijah, nor the enveloping cloud of glory. No, instead God tells them, and us. the focus should remain on Jesus and on what he has to tell us. In other words, "Disciples, listen up!"

Father in Heaven, give me the determination and wisdom to pursue your Son with the ardent intent to listen to him. Make my mind sharp and my heart soft so by listening, I can be transformed to the person who pleases you by obedience and humility. Give me the grace to boldly say yes to all that you call me to do. Amen

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