Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How You Know the Father's Love

God loves you. A vital and life changing truth, isn't it? Do you recall the first time you believed it for yourself? None of us are the same after such a revelation. And, as good as it is to know the concept of God's love for us, don't you think it would help if we let the scriptures and God's Spirit bring some specificity, some depth to that immensely important truth? Give some attention to this passage from 1 John:
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1

1 John was written to encourage early believers who were being battered about due to all kinds of false teachers and all kinds of worldly pressure. The Apostle John was urging his friends to stand strong in their faith and to embrace a confidence that comes from a right relationship with God. In what is virtually the center of the letter, our verse appears. It reminds them (and us) that the core truth of our faith is in the great love of God. But specifically it is a Father's love. It is a love that has been lavished on us. It is a love that secures us as children of God.
Take some time now and let your Father speak to you of His great love for you...
I can imagine that what God may have spoken to your heart was personal...totally related to your life with Him and your life ahead. But I find it both amazing and comforting that when I am under pressure; when I am encountering much that is false surrounding me, I am uplifted and carried by the love of my Father and my privileged role as His child.
Share with us in the comments section what you have found by listening to God speak of His love for you.